On May 21st, Calvin Boaz Pals came forth into the world. He bears the name of a Reformer (John Calvin) and a Kinsman Redeemer (Boaz, from the book of Ruth). We thank God for this little boy and the early days we’ve had with him! May the Lord give many more days, and may they be joyful in Christ, fruitful for His Kingdom and eternal in duration.

Father in Heaven,
You are our Maker and Sustainer. There is none like you, no one who can do the works that you do. We are in awe of how you create and sustain every life, from the tiniest embryo to the mightiest man. There is no one who can draw breath without your willful action, no one who can keep his own heart beating, unless you do it for him. So, it is fitting that we entrust Calvin to you. It is our joy to do so, because we know you! You are a God who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. You will not deal wrongly with our boy.
Work within Calvin that which is pleasing in your sight. May he grow strong in body and mind, only to be exceeded by the strength of his heart–You, Lord–be the strength of his heart and his portion forever! As he increases in years, may he increase in meekness and experience the fullness of its blessedness in Christ. As he tastes the sweet joys of life in this world, may he see them as gifts from your hand and receive them with humility. When he drinks of the bitter cup of pain that all must taste, may he learn to quickly cry to you for help and seek to right any wrongs.
May he be a man who knows well his own sin but does not despair, because he has a great Savior. O Lord, may the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, be sweet to our boy from a young age. May he find redemption in Jesus’ passion, forgiveness in His cross, purification in His blood, newness of life in His resurrection, a rich inheritance in His Kingdom, fellowship in His Body, security in the sealing of His Spirit and great hope in the promise of eternal life. May he draw a fully supply from the treasure of blessings that are found in Jesus Christ, always. Do this and more for our son, that the glory of your Son might shine brightly through him in Japan.
We ask this with great confidence in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We are still in need of financial and prayer partners. If you are interested in partnering with us and helping send Calvin to Japan, please visit the Partner with Us page to read an update on our current needs.